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Self Publishing : Avoiding Selling Out - July 16, 2008
When it comes to publishing your photography there are a number of options that are available to you. The most traditional option has been to shop your work to publishing houses and getting an agent, but what many find is that publishing with that route really limits their creative freedom. On the other hand, self-publishing allows them to have creative freedom and control. As a photographer who makes the choice to self-publish, you'll quickly discover that you are able to choose the layout that works for your images - and you won't have to compromise or change your vision in any way. Similarly, when you self-publish, you'll discover that there's less of an emphasis on meeting a certain number of sales: when you create your own coffee table book, you won't just be able to design your book your way, you'll also be able to have control over the number of copies published and where they are sold. Whether you take the books and distribute them to local bookstores, sell from your website or do a combination of the two, you'll find that it's entirely up to you. That's what's so great about self-publishing. It's all about your creative vision, your perspective and your way of showing and selling your work - that combination ensures that you're able to sell your work without selling out. « Go Back |