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Sunday, January 12, 2025
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Capturing Memories with Photo Books - July 16, 2008
Think about it, what better way to share lives and the way that the kids grow with far away grandparents than to include photos that show how the kids have grown from one year to the next? What better way to keep track of a child's accomplishments than to create a printed photo book filled with stories that help to cement the memory into the mind so that, as years pass, it will be far easier to keep them fresh. With printed photo books, you will be able to focus on creating something lasting, something that a mother can be extremely proud of (or, of course, printed photo books that focus in on some of mom's favorite hobbies can also make a great gift. And, if you start now, you'll be ahead of the curve next year when someone asks, “so what are you doing for your mom for Mothers' Day?” « Go Back |