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Photo Books Can Document a Retreat - July 16, 2008
Many photographers, from time to time, take advantage of the opportunities that exist to expand their skills and knowledge with photographic retreats. Rather than taking a single class, they choose to spend a weekend photographing at a particular location or with a specific renowned photographer who they are familiar with. With printed photo books, they will find that they are able to better document these retreats so that they will have a way of looking back at the information and the experience. For example, let's say that a photographer goes on a weekend retreat to a city where they haven't been before. Not only can a printed photo book of the retreat include the best photos taken, but also information about the monument or location, information about where the shot was taken and other details that he or she wants to retain. Similarly, if a photographer takes a weekend photography retreat that lands them in the desert or out in the country or in some other sort of location that's outside of what's the norm for them. A printed photo book can contain information about the retreat, the best photos that have been taken during the experience, and other ways to remember what was learned and what took place. Simply put, printed photo books are a great way to reflect back on an experience. With not only photos but also plenty of information, it's possible to keep going back on the moment and putting the lessons learned to work. « Go Back |